Key specialties:

  • Gynaecology and obstetrics
  • General Surgery
  • Internal medicine
  • Pain clinic
  • Obesity medicine
  • Visceral surgery
  • Urology
  • Medicine of the Musculoskeletal System

Clinic Lindberg, a member of the «Swiss Leading Hospitals», is one of the best private clinics of Switzerland.

It offers excellent medical and hotel services to inhabitants of Winterthur and its suburbs.

The clinic is located on hills of Lindberg and has a magnificent view to Winterthur. There are 73 beds at the clinic; about 2 14 employees work here. 1 40 doctors annually advise more than 11 000 out-patients and treat more than 2 700 patients in hospitals. Quantity of surgical operations is up to 2 670 a year. Besides, the institution specializes in obstetrics and gynecology, in general surgery, treatment of internal illnesses and painful syndrome.

The clinic specializes on treatment of obesity and metabolic problems

Врачи Швейцарии

Доктор Агорастос-Флору



Основными направлениями в работе доктора  Агорастос-Флору  являются гинекологическая хирургия, общая гинекология и акушерство.


Доктор Бедат

Bedat sm


Основные направления в  практике доктора Бедат - операции плеча, колена, бедра, а также травматология и переломы.


Профессор де Смет, офтальмология

Smet sm


Профессиональный опыт профессора-офтальмолога де Смета объединяет как клиническую практику, так и обширную научную деятельность.



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